I became fascinated by the Victorian use of flowers to create hidden meanings and symbolism for getting messages to others. The term was called Floriography. It was the only outlet for expression. Queen Victoria did not allow impropriety. So, with this and the meaning behind Kate Middleton’s wedding bouquet it got me thinking. How about I make a bouquet using the ‘Language of Flowers’ and put them to people and pets’ character?
Kate Middleton Language of Flowers Wedding Bouquet.
I have always loved flowers. When I was young in England, and I could afford to buy my Mum some roses or a bouquet. I would have the greatest time arranging the roses or flowers in the vase, getting them just right. Then my camera would come out and I would take tons of pictures of all of the flowers. Many times, multiple angles to get that great picture I wanted. Without ever knowing that they had a hidden meaning or two.
So, I extensively researched what flower went with what meaning. The more I delved into it, the more convoluted and confusing it became. In England and Europe, the more popular it became, the more you better make sure that they had the correct dictionary with your meaning in it. So many dictionaries had become available. Otherwise you may well send a bouquet that does not convey what you want it to. Some flowers have so many different meanings to them. And the same flower can have a good meaning to it or a bad meaning to it. Where they were placed in an arrangement also has significance. The more to the top it is, the more positive in the bouquet it symbolizes. The lower in the arrangement, the more negative it symbolizes. And if the head is bend down, that too is a negative trait.
If you are to categorize my business and what I do, it would generally be categorized as a florist. But this company is so much more than just an arrangement of flowers. Using the ‘Language of Flowers’, I am actually making up the traits of a person, a pet or even something inanimate that has been given a character too.
I want to try to keep as true to the meaning of the ‘Language of Flowers’ as I can. But I am bringing it more up to date and creating the ‘DeBarre LLC Language of Flowers dictionary.’ That I will use as my reference guide to making wonderful, opulent DeBarre LLC arrangements. But still try to keep faithful to the history and sincerity of the past, in the present.
My stepdad passed away a few years ago and I dedicated my first floral arrangement in a vase to him. I took Ed’s top 7-character traits which made Ed, Ed. Found the specific flowers that had that meaning associated to them, and created Ed in a vase of flowers. Now, every time I see the bouquet it is of Ed, not flowers. And that is my mission – to help people celebrate loved ones, pets and life through flowers. Not just a bouquet to look pretty on the mantel or table but that represent the qualities that you will see in the person or pet of whom it is being made. And knowing that only those flowers will do.
DeBarre LLC chose to use the highest quality artificial flowers for the ‘forever’ and ‘timeless’ quality. Like the character of the person or pet, they touch us all and will continue to touch us through the rest of our lives.